Thursday, November 27, 2008

You're Nobody Til Somebody Loves You

What an odd and unexpected change of circumstances Fate has bestowed upon us.  Fate?  Or something much more personal?  Perhaps something that has been festering and swelling unknown, ignored for quite some time now?  Don't dare tempt it.  Don't tempt Fate.

I've been pressed on this for some time now.  If you dont believe me, see the video below:

Yes, that IS a McDonald's McRib commercial.  ..which led me to this..

"...such a silly game we play.." (video embedding disabled)

And my continued search for the song that I think has the same or similar melody... which so far, has been FAIL! after FAIL!...

Things to be thankful for this past year:

-All I care for are healthy and happy (want for nothing!!!)
-New career-direction that I am happy about
-Friends who don't forget me
-Old family friends who treat me like family when I can't be with my own
-Leaving Pensacola and returning home in 5 days
-Being a better person than I was a year ago


Mike Hizzy said...

damn, i thought the mcrib was back, but that video was posted in september.

A. Rose said...

have a safe trip back home. belated happy thanksgiving!